Monday, March 31, 2008

A post for Jenna

Yep, just because she asked :-)

Playing with Raley is good. She went to see the Dr. today. Pretty good all round apparently but I will leave that update to her mommy (hint, hint).

I shovelled a LOT of compost yesterday but Dan and I together only made it through about half of the rather large pile in the front yard. Apparently, the city "advertises" this as mulch but a much better definition would be "ground up leaves compost". Not much sticks and bark. More leaves than anything. It would be really good stuff if you wanted to roto-till it into your garden. It will keep the weeds down though and in a year it will all be gone. But so will Dan and Sarah. So it will work out.


  1. It is about time you posted. Glad to hear meeting the Grandaughter is going well, from Grandma's post, it appears she thinks you are rather comfortable to sleep on.

  2. Yey! A post for me!


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