Tuesday, May 6, 2008

LOTS of turmoil

And it is amazing how much the "view" of the future hasn't really been cleared up all that much. My impression is that most people are pretty darn sceptical that any of our jobs have much future but on the other hand we haven't been laid off so here we sit. Hopefully meetings with my project leader this week will help clear up some of the murkiness but I am not all that hopeful. As somebody said earlier today 'we're all just hanging on by our fingernails'.

And to top it off we got a call late Saturday from my dad and he ended up in the hospital. Yesterday afternoon he had a heart catherization. Of course, the doctor pronounced his heart (with the exception of his aortic valve) is "disgustingly healthy". Bottom line, they scheduled him an appointment with a cardiovascular surgeon on May 14th. In all likelihood he will have surgery sometime soon thereafter to get that valve replaced. But other than the valve he is in very good health and therefore he has many less risk factors than most patients his age.

I am sure glad I don't have any stress in my life :-)


  1. I'm sorry life is stressful right now... Are you bike riding any to reduce the stress?

  2. How did your meeting with your project leader go? Any more info?

  3. I know all about stress...different kinds but I think I can relate. Exercise is definitely good for stress relief!

  4. I seem to remember before you got a blog a lot of comments on Sarah and I's blogs asking for more posts... Ring any bells?? :)


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