Sunday, October 26, 2008

A new post....

Well, Alice told me that I needed to make a post on my blog and since I ALWAYS do what Alice tells me is a new post.

Maybe the reason that I hadn't posted is because I have nothing to say?

At the end of last week I completely tore apart my resume and completely changed the format. I have sent it out to a couple of places so far. We will see if it gets any different results. The final nail in the coffin that killed the old one was that a recruiter called and told me, literally, that it was terrible. He didn't really have a job that I was interested in but we must have talked for half an hour with him giving me pointers. At the end of the conversation he also gave me the e-mail address of a person who he probably shouldn't have. But, at this point, I will take help where I can find it. We will see if I can have any luck with the new resume when I send it to this lady.

As most of you know I am a BIG Purdue football and basketball fan. I even went to BW3 yesterday to watch the football team because good old Brighthouse took ESPN Classic off our cable. Let's just say that I am sure looking forward to basketball season.

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